1-Study in Color

Light and Leaf: Rexburg Nature Park; 6:00 p.m.; 9/16/09; f 4.0; 1/160; Sony DSC-47- macro, Edit-Saturation Adjustment

Basket: Tuscany Apartment; 8:00 a.m.; 9/19/09; f 3.4; 1/8; Kodak 2730, Edit- Brightness and Contrast

Sunflower: BYU-Idaho Gardens; 7:00 p.m.; 9/16/09; f 4.0; 1/320; Sony DSC-47- Macro

Apples: BYU-Idaho Gardens; 6:45 p.m.; 9/16/09; f 3.5; 1/125; Sony DSC-47-Macro

I've always loved the color yellow. My room growing up had bright yellow walls. The color yellow is warm and inviting. With the seasons changing to fall, I was able to find a few of nature's yellow items. I used a macro setting on images 1, 3, and 4 to achieve a distinction from the subject and the background. On the second image I used played with the angles on straight lines to make it change the perspective.

4 Response to "1-Study in Color"

Kenzie - Ryan - Livee- Emmeline Says:

I liked how there is just one yellow leaf in the first picture. I loved the lines in the second picture. The flower in the third pic looks good and I like how the background is blurred. The fourth one is a good picture but I would say they are more on the green side. I loved all your picture but I want you to do something other then plants. Good job!

Michael Says:

Just so you know, if you type comments and then click on an image to enlarge it, then go back to type again - it will erase all taht you previously typed... Yeah this is my 3rd time typing my comments here, LOL!

1. Great beam of light here, you can see a sparkle at the bottom of the leaf.

2. great lines here, but I wonder if a different lighting setup would do more for the photo.

3. Good job with the flowers and the boca. You have the flowers right on the 1/3 line.

4. good job, If the apples were to the left jsut a tad (right on the 1/3 line) I would probably like this even more.

Sharon Says:

You used really cool angles and great lighting in your photos!! I think my favorite was your yellow flowers because the yellow pops from the green soo much. I did yellow as well so it was fun to see other ideas in yellow. The fruit may have been lined up in the 1/3rds a little more. But really, these are cool! I really like your cut-out!!! I love the angle the light is at and how you even ventured out and tried the partial cut-out. :)

Brent Hale Says:

The angles are great! I think the basket is my favorite. It is very visually appealing. It kind of makes my pictures look like junk.

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